Computer Services


Computer Services is comprised of User Support, Management Information Systems, and the BearPass Card Office.  We are proud to be able to serve the Missouri State community and strive to provide service in a way that is effective, efficient and in line with the overall goals of the university. 

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The Management Information Systems (MIS) unit of Computer Services is dedicated to making Missouri State operate more efficiently through the use of software. MIS supports Missouri State's computing needs by writing custom software, investigating third-party products and identifying how existing software can be augmented or used more effectively.
User Support provides assistance to students, faculty and staff on a wide range of fronts. They maintain and operate the IT Service Portal, offer Help Desk services, support desktop and mobile computing, and operate three open-access computer labs.

BearPass Card

Learn how to properly use and manage your BearPass card, Missouri State's official identification.

Notifications and Outages


Computer Services News
