Operations and Systems

The Operations and Systems unit of Computer Services is committed to securely, efficiently, and reliably provide the services required to meet Missouri State’s enterprise-wide computing needs. In pursuit of this purpose, Operations and Systems maintains and manages over 300 physical and virtual servers while providing a variety of other services to the university.

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Our services

Operations and systems provides support and services for numerous account-based aspects, including passwords, email, disk quotas, Brightspace, BearPass cards, data backup and recovery, web-based group management.

Provisioning and authorization

We provide provisioning and authorization to ensure the right people have access to correct resources.

Infrastructure and authentication

We provide infrastructure and authentication verifying the identity of a person attempting to gain access to resources.

Messaging and collaboration

We provide messaging and collaboration to facilitate communication among students, faculty, staff, and guests.

Web and application hosting

We provide web and Application Hosting by maintaining server hardware and software.

File storage

We provide file storage for faculty and staff, as well as file storage for academic and administrative departments.

Departmental server support

We provide departmental server support for servers that do not necessarily provide a university-wide or campus-wide service.

Platform and application consulting

We provide platform and application consulting to assist users with selecting the proper platform and software.

Operations and systems news
